Our first election together was McGovern-Nixon

Our first election together was McGovern-Nixon

Election week, I drove 11+ hours up to Traverse City, Michigan, to be with my best bud from college. Over 50 years of friendship. McGovern/Nixon was our first experience losing a presidential election. Unfortunately, many more would follow.

In 2000, Al Gore was the Democratic nominee for president in 2000. We were talking on the phone celebrating the his win when the news announced that he lost the electoral college vote by five electoral votes. We were stunned together. I can still visualize my holding on to the phone, in horror. (landline- way before cell phones!)

Obama’s 2008 win was joyful. If I am not mistaken, she went to DC for the inauguration.

Then there was 2016.

You know, I have blocked it out. All I remember is Trump bullying Hilary Clinton during one of their debates, trolling behind her.



A Special Counsel investigated alleged collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign. The investigation concluded that Russian interference in favor of Trump’s candidacy occurred “in sweeping and systematic fashion” but it “did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government”*

And so it begins.


1972 Longboat Ley
1975 Indiana University
Summer of 1976

(I hope she doesn’t mind my posting these photos)

We watched upstairs in her spare bedroom where the television was, each smothered in a fleece blanket watching-stunned-again. What would I have done without her?

Beauty and the Beach 1970 Marcia Hodges
  • Rosenstein, Rod. ” Rod Rosenstein’s Letter Appointing Mueller Special Counsel.” NYT May 18, 2017. 
  • “Grand Jury Indicts Thirteen Russian Individuals and Three Russian Companies for Scheme to Interfere in the United Staes Political System United States Department of Justice. February 16, 2018.