Unintended Discovery

Unintended Discovery

On my way home from Nashville I took a wrong turn. Turned out to be a 'right' turn for it took me through the neighborhood Hillwood Heights. A sublime ride;…
One Year Ago

One Year Ago

March 27, 2023.Six people shot and killed.in a school. Children from The Covenant School form a human chain as they board the bus that will take them to a nearby…


I have been wearing Yves Saint Laurent's Opium perfume for over forty years.Contact me with your address and I will send you an Opium-drenched card. GZ was my mother’s interior…
Retirement—What a Worthless Word

Retirement—What a Worthless Word

“When one door closes another door opens,” Julie Andrew said in The Sound of Music. Actually, Alexander Graham Bell said it first, if you don’t count John the Apostle,1 Helen Keller,2 and Miguel de Cervantes.3 My…
loss: a friendship dies

loss: a friendship dies

R. was walking through the field to the residence entrance. Pink shirt, red face. Helping a colleague/woman friend carry luggage. Martha? Matilda? Martina . . . Navratilova-like hair.  Margaret Hamilton on a…
Sad but True

Sad but True

I knew by then as a Jewish kid that there were people who hated me simply for that reason. -Norman Lear Norman Lear, 1922-2023. From IMDB: Norman Lear was born…
Fear of Failure

Fear of Failure

I grew up in a family with incredible standards. My father was a nationally known legal scholar. Growing up in Cleveland, Ohio, his name was synonymous with brilliance. Both of…