How do you measure a year in a life?

How do you measure a year in a life?

Thirteen thousand, six hundred and sixty-two minutesThirteen thousand, six hundred and sixty-two meals to planThirteen thousand, six hundred and sixty-two minutesHow do you measure? Measure a year? In daylights,In sunsets,In midnights,In…
You Say It’s Your Birthday

You Say It’s Your Birthday

Starting out my post-graduate studies, I never imagined that the 17th century would be my area of literary and historical focus. Initially, the poetry of the romantic period attracted me. The…
never again

never again

They have been shaken to their core. -Jeremy Diamond, CNN, southern Israel i was in seventh grade during the six-day Yom Kippur war of 1967. I just remember sitting in…
Feeling Home

Feeling Home

I find home in slots of time, in slants of light. I feel it closest at dawn when night and day meld and mingle awhile before they drift apart.  -Karen…
Old Friends

Old Friends

I am up in Traverse City, Michigan. I am in love with this town. Of course, it is not January or February. Brutal. My best bud from college lives up here now,…
Fear of Failure

Fear of Failure

Fear of failure: Did you know there is an actual term for it?  It is atychiphobia, (pronounced a-tick-e-phobia) kakorraphiophobia (pronounced kak-or-rhaph-io-phobia) is the fear of rejection.  I grew up in a…
In Your Face

In Your Face

I am not prude. Read Rain Dodging and you will see that I lived a few ‘wild child’ decades! But something is really rubbing me the wrong way.   Bare Baby Bellies IMO,…