Mad Marge

Mad Marge

In my book, Rain Dodging, I introduce you to a handful of early feminist warriors. Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle, born 1623, died suddenly at only age 50, the year Mary of…

How Dare She!

In my book, Rain Dodging, I introduce you to a handful of early feminist warriors. Here’s one:   Margaret Cavendish, the Duchess of Newcastle* Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle, born 1623, died…
Children’s Voices

Children’s Voices

"The ethereal sound of children’s voices . . . whose innocent, pure sonorities set them apart from human experience." On March 17, 19 and 20, 1966, I was one of…
Roman City Uncovered in Luxor

Roman City Uncovered in Luxor

from Christian Edwards, CNN  January 27, 2023 In Egypt, the Nile River runs almost 900 miles between Lake Victoria and the Mediterranean Sea. Along that length is the section between Aswan…
War Requiem

War Requiem

“But cursed are dullards whom no cannon stuns,That they should be as stones.”   from Insensibility  by Wilfred Owen Gaza City Mahmud Hans AFP Getty Images When I was a young girl, I…