

This excerpt is from Rain Dodging. 1It is my account of my visit to the estate of Anne Finch, the poet who inspired my book: Anne Finch, Peter Cross, c.…
Is This You?

Is This You?

In “Women in Publishing School,” a 4-month workshop I attended a few years ago, we were asked to create our Ideal Reader “avatar.” Here is mine: I visualize my readers…

How Dare She!

In my book, Rain Dodging, I introduce you to a handful of early feminist warriors. Here’s one:   Margaret Cavendish, the Duchess of Newcastle* Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle, born 1623, died…
First Pages

First Pages

Yesterday I received a gorgeous Rain Dodging PDF file, completely laid-out. This file is called “first pages,” meaning it’s the first round of laid-out, designed pages. (Subsequent versions will be called “second…