A Sad New Expression

A Sad New Expression

For me, a new term: ‘Dog Whistling’
Sadly, not a new term.

In politics, a dog whistle is the use of coded language in political messaging to garner support from a particular group without provoking opposition. The term is so named after ultrasonic dog whistles, audible to dogs but not humans. Dog whistles use language that appear normal to the majority but communicates specific things to intended audiences.

In other words, speaking in code to a target audience.


‘The Jewish Question.’ In Nazi Germany, the term Jewish Question referred to the belief that the existence of Jews in Germany posed a problem for the state.

‘Welfare Queen,’ used to imply that Black women on social programs like welfare are lazy people who don’t do anything to “help themselves.” Instead, they have children to use up government money and the tax dollars of “hard-working” (read: white) Americans to live luxuriously.

‘Breaking Point’ A contemporary example of a xenophobic and racist dog whistle is the an anti-migrant poster from 2016:

‘Law and Order’ and ‘Tough on Crime,’ used to police low-income communities, particularly Black and Latinx people. 

‘War on Terror,’ the “terror” that many politicians want us to go to war against are actually people of Arab and Muslim descent.

When politicians use coded messages, they continue to push fear-mongering and enact policies that are dangerous.

Call those out who use them.


