slam-slam- slam

slam-slam- slam

I am back in physical therapy. Who knew that my infamous fall down the legendary Radcliffe Camera steps 11 years ago would still haunt me.

I was reading in the library when I stopped to eat my obligatory banana. I stood at the front steps overhang. When I was finished eating, the entrance guard wouldn’t let me throw my banana peel away in her trashcan: She said I had to out in the pouring rain to the trash can across the way. Boy, did that pissed me off. 

I was looking for where the damn trash basket was when slam-slam- slam, I fell, hitting all 13 steps hard steps. Loads of people came to my aid. I was embarrassed and angry, especially when the guard asked “Is there anything I can do?” 

Yeah, you could’ve let me throw my g-d damn banana peel in your fucking trash can.

I kept on reading but after about two hours of discomfort, including an aggravating headache, my lower back got hard as a rock and I suddenly started feeling dizzy, faint, nauseous and was covered in sweat. I tried to make it to the door for fresh air and I couldn’t, so I hobbled, really scared, back to my seat and tried to will it to go away. I ended up in the ER. The doc gasped when she saw it. Not a good sign.

Fast forward eleven years. I have recurring episodes where I can barely walk. I am in the middle of one of them now. I have a wonderful physical therapist who answers my countless questions and ‘works me’ well. If I had been doing my exercises routinely, I probably wold not have back slid, pun intended.

Won’t make that mistake again.