

Wha-Wha-Wha: Back pain or summer heat? Which sucks more?

Warning: This is whiny-ass. 

After a year of draining back pain, yesterday depression edged in, immobilizing me in a different way. But I woke up without pain this a.m. How thrilling to be walking, back straight-up, not like a hobbled old crone from a fairy tale!

Yesterday was a bitch. I could barely walk. I forced myself to do my PT exercises, finally, late evening. I was rewarded: This morning, I was able to walk my road before the heat and humidity set in.  

So that’s my other bitch: It may as well be winter in upstate New York, the way the intense weather keeps me inside like a fucking shut-in.

I used to play a game with myself: How long into spring could I last before turning on the AC? That’s one reason I went north last month. To find our magic spot, one to return to year after year once the desire to explore fades:

On Vancouver Island

I don’t feel my age yet,

but I expect one day I will. 
