Now that I am back from my summer travels and from the pain of oral surgery, I return to Rain Dodging final revisions. Here is an update:
Over the summer, my three Beta readers completed their task. Now, I am taking their notes ‘under advisement’ as I return to my final revisions before submissions to publishers. The first time through after the Beta readers finished, I knocked 20 pages out: Much of that involved citations within the book that my dear former professor advised to remove. (He said to rely on my bibliography instead, given the nature of the writing.) That is where I stopped when September travels began.
Truthfully, it has been difficult returning to my schedule, but I am almost caught up on neglected tasks on the farm. I know once I dig in, I will be entranced by the revision process once again. A priority is smoothing some of the transitions between present and past.
Rain Dodging lives!