

March 29, 2024

Anglophilia? Sounds like a disease. However, the definition by Merriam WebsterUnusual admiration or partiality for England, English ways, or things English.” 

I confess that I am an Anglophile. If I could I would live there. Millions of Americans have visited Britain. Much of our culture derives from England.

Following the German defeat in WWI, President Wilson, British Prime Minister David Lloyd George, and France’s Georges Clemenceau met at the Paris Peace Conference, bringing about the creation of the League of Nations. Its primary mission was to prevent world conflict again. (How’d that turn out?)

Following the defeat of Germany and Japan in WWII, trade between the U. S. and Britain accelerated, including art, music, and literature–from Shakespeare to J.K. Rowling. In 1953, interest in the Royal family grew exponentially as Queen Elizabeth II ascended to the throne.

Famous Anglophiles:

There are other people out there like us, people obsessed with England and the island of Great Britain. People who would rather don a tweed cap and have a cup of tea than put on a baseball cap and drink a beer.

Here’s a list of famous Anglophiles:

LADY GAGA: “I’m a New York girl at heart, but I love London,” she told The Mirror, before tucking into a deep-fried chocolate bar, a famous Scottish delicacy. “Can you help me forge a birth certificate so I can get a British passport?” she added. 
JENNIFER LAWRENCE: “I’m a big fan of all things British. I like that I can go for fish and chips wearing the most awful outfit and it’s cool, you know.”  
TOM CLANCY often writes lovingly about England in his novels. His most famous hero, Jack Ryan, is an Anglophile. London often plays an important role in his stories.
JOHNNY DEPP may live in the south of France, but he’s a known Anglophile. Oftentimes he’ll work on projects that are being shot and made in England.
MADONNA and GWYNETH PALTROW love England so much they went local, both married (and divorced) Brits.
WILL.I.AM: “I want to become a proper Brit. I have been coming here for years and I just like it. It feels like home. I love how excited Brits get when there’s a hint of sunshine. It’s hilarious.”
MIKE MYERS most famous role, Austin Powers, is a play on British Spy novel tradition and pokes great fun at British culture and civilization. Myers is actually Canadian and also holds British Citizenship thanks to his parents, who were born in Liverpool.
DRAKE: “I owe my whole career to London. This is my favorite city in the world.” 
ALBERT EINSTEIN: In 1933, Einstein left Belgium and fled to Britain, seeking refuge from Nazi death threats: “No matter how long I live, I shall never forget the kindness which I have received from the people of England.”

10 Things Americans Love About Living In Britain.

  1. Accents: Cotton candy for your ears. The dullest story sounds lovely. The thickest person sounds brilliant.  
  2. PLU: “People Like Us.” Brits are misconstrued as stuffy but really are a welcoming crowd.
  3. Sincerity: Brits don’t take compliments well. If a compliment makes it your way, it is genuine.
  4. Wit: Dry wit. It wouldn’t be GB if everyone was on their best behavior.
  5. History: Magnificent museums hold plenty of stories. Architecture, from Roman ruins to 5th century cathedrals to row houses on cobblestoned streets, history itself. Everywhere!
  6. Royals
  7. High-speed trains and flights to Europe:  Gets to Paris by high-speed train in two hours.
  8. Grocery stores: Smaller than U.S. grocery stores and more manageable.
  9. Topping up: “Can I top up?” is a phrase you will be hearing yourself saying a lot. It means getting that little bit more, and it makes life a bit easier and situations way more pleasant. Go to the phone shop, and ask to “top up” your minutes. At the pub, “top up” your pint.
  10. Christmas: The Brits started celebrating “the holidays” even before Christ was born. Festivals took place in winter to praise the sun and hope for its return.

What do you love about England?